Government & Public Sector Collaboration

The most trusted cloud collaboration and file sharing solution for government agencies, public sector organizations, and government contractors.

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Trusted in Government

Huddle is used by government and public sector organizations that need to securely collaborate and share files across teams, with other government agencies, and even private-sector partners.

Using Huddle, teams can quickly create secure cloud-based Workspaces where they can confidently manage multi-agency projects and work across multiple external stakeholders.

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Manage & share sensitive content

  • Control. Huddle offers the most secure way to share and collaborate on your files. Control access, assign permissions, and revoke access with a single click.

  • Synchonrized. Keep stakeholders synchronized to the latest file updates, tasks and comments, even when you’re working remotely.

  • Visbility. Unlike email attachments, you never lose track of a document stored in Huddle. Full audit trails and administrative controls ensure you know exactly who's accessing your content and what they're doing with it.  

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Collaborate across stakeholders

  • Discussions. Every file stored in Huddle has its own comment thread. Keep the conversation connected to your files, not buried in email.

  • Manage tasks and approvals against your files. Track progress and keep stakeholders focussed on the work that matters.

  • User friendly. Start collaborating in minutes. Huddle is simple and intuitive to use. Users are instantly more productive, stakeholders more engaged, and your work more secure.

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Improve efficiency

  • Government Contractors. Available for government contractors who need to meet government-grade security requirements.

  • Integrations. Open documents stored in Huddle directly into Microsoft Office (including O365) and Google for Work Apps – make edits, view and add comments, then sync back to Huddle

  • Speed the process of organizing and searching for documents. Huddle also makes it simple to request and collate reference materials and submissions from private-sector partners or other government / public sector organizations.

Learn more about our work in Government

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Huddle approved for use in Government?

In the U.S. Huddle is rated as FedRAMP (moderate) Authorized. In the UK, Huddle is an approved Crown Commercial Services Supplier and meets the requirements for working at the ‘Official’ Government Security Classification level.

Does Huddle work with Microsoft O365?

Yes. Huddle offers an out-of-the-box integration with Microsoft O365, allowing you to seamlessly open files into your existing editing apps, and automatically sync and share back to Huddle.

Can Huddle be used with private-sector partners?

Yes. Huddle is built for external collaboration and can be safely used with stakeholders outside of your own organization. This includes other government agencies, public sector bodies and even private sector partners.

Which government agencies use Huddle?

In the U.S., Huddle is used by a number of Federal Government agencies, including the Department of Transportation, Department of Defense, and the Department of Health. In the UK, Huddle has users in over 80% of Central Government departments.

How is Huddle used in Government?

Our government clients use Huddle to support several different use cases, including multi-agency collaboration, inspections, bid and supplier management, and more.